Clan Level: 77
Reputation Level: 6
Creation Date: 16/09/2024
This is Dior2 the kingdom to rule over all other kingoms get your citizen-ship
by DMing me and help bring this clan to 10+ on the lb welcome to the Apex clan.
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There are several ranks of society: leader, elite, scout, and the community. These
will group people once you join. Each rank has different powers and please dont beg for
any of them i will send you a message once i choose who will get a rank btw the community
rank is everyone.
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Clan requirements: lvl 30+ with certain exceptions KDR 0.70+ with exceptions these
requirements will help the clan gain levels faster and make sure that only the certain people
join.To join the clan either message me (Rthfthdtt554) or talk to me in game my nickname is
<loggthefire>L i o n if you see someone OG's that has the same name thats not me that's honered
aka TGS213 he copies my name to annoy me so dont let that fool you.
Our Allies are: Jely, JTL, M00, and OG's. Our enemies are: XP, and Sake
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The clan's mains:
Zeto mains: Rthfthdtt554
Dai mains: Rthfthdtt554,Supppppppp
Emy mains:
Huntt mains:
Big B mains:
Donte mains: RWTK
Revis mains: Supppppppp
Janko mains: Supppppppp
Ubel mains:
Dr.U mains:
Kaizen mains: Rthfthdtt554
Rekisu mains:
Nero mains:
Olif mains:
Punk/Pico mains:
Jon Jon mains:
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The rules: No toxicity or i will talk to you about it and you possibly might get kicked,
No scamming i have a personal list of scammers below, No making of fake clans like dont make this
clan again in some way.
Scammers: Kaido1, Oped.
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