Clan Level: 81
Reputation Level: 36
Creation Date: 21/03/2023
If you want to join send a 10-coin message to @kanishk
Clan goal: Get (close) to the top of the leaderboard
1. Sussy stuff in the bandit chat is okay
2. Mean/Toxic stuff is not
Your message on private chat:
If you want your message on the private clan text send a 10-coin message to @Kanishk with the message. Only slight sussyness and no mean or toxic words because I don't want to get banned. Any overly sussy words will change the entire message to "(name) says something sussy - (name)".
1. If you do something good you will get +1 to your modifier.
2. Your modifier will how many messages you get to put up
Your in-clan level will be determined by dividing your real level by 5 (round to the nearest real number) and adding your modifier.
Badges: If I have time I might add a badge system
Chat: If I have time I might add a chat

If you have a good rule or something you want to add to this box (no messages) send a 5-coin message to @Kanishk
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